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LETTER: Did people raising concerns bother to vote?

 The Editor,

As a citizen of Surrey for many years, I was once again appalled at the number of people who actually got out and voted.

Only 35 per cent - how sad is that? I feel it is everyone's obligation to vote. It should be made mandatory that everyone has to vote in elections. Either put up or shut up when issues are not addressed by city hall.

I've heard multiple concerns over illegal multiple suites, increased crime, no bylaw enforcement, illegal construction, lack of sufficient transit - but did the people raising those concerns bother to vote?

All candidates did a good job, and I commend each of you. I've had many dealings with the mentioned issues, and city hall chooses to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to them. The big houses will continue to be built with multiple suites and illegal construction. Laws will continue to be ignored. Law enforcement will not be able to get a handle on the increased crime. Until the elected officials at city hall step up to the plate and start enforcing their bylaws for everyone to follow, nothing will change; it will continue to get worse.

There are well over 10,000 files on infraction complaints that the bylaw officers have not addressed, and they continue to grow in number. So, in my opinion, the majority of votes Hepner did get were from the people to which city hall turns a blind eye and deaf eye when they break the laws.

Kathy Martin
