Applicant: Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF)
2600 Lou Merk Drive 008-3, Fort Worth
Texas76131. Tel: (817) 352-2732
Agent: Art Guite Consulting.
206-20641 Logan Avenue, Langley, B.C. V3A 7R3
Tel: (604) 835 9148
The purpose of the proposed Pest Management Plan (PMP) is to control vegetation, including noxious weeds and invasive plants, on ballast, rights-of-way, station grounds, yards, and around buildings, shops, material storage areas, crossings, and bridges using the principles of integrated pest management. The pest management methods proposed for use include hand removal and cutting, weed trimming, mowing, brush cutters, chainsaws, and the use of pesticides. The use of pesticides is intended within the area to which PMP applies.
The PMP applies to BNSF property within their New Westminster Subdivision, and is located in proximity to the communities of White Rock, Delta, Surrey, Vancouver and New Westminster.
The common name and examples of trade names of the pesticides proposed for use under this plan include: aminocyclopyrachlor and metsulfuron-methyl (Navius), aminopyralid (Milestone), chlorsulfuron (Telar), dicamba (Vanquish), diuron (Karmex DF), flumioxazin (Payload), glyphosate (VP 480), imazapyr (Arsenal), indaziflam (Esplanade), metsulfuron methyl (Escort) and triclopyr (Garlon XRT). Application methods include: wick/wipe on applications, truck mounted shrouded spray boom, back pack/hand held sprayers, power hose and nozzle, squirt bottles and injection tools.
The proposed duration of the PMP is from April 29, 2024 to April 29, 2028.
A draft copy of the proposed PMP and maps of the proposed treatment areas may be examined in detail at: BNSF Railway, 400 Brunette Avenue, New Westminster, BC or by contacting the Agent listed above.
“A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan, may send copies of the information to the applicant (c/o Art Guite Consulting, Agent, at the address listed above) within 30 days of the publication of this notice.”