By virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act Whereas, VICTORIA BREWSTER is indebted to Clover Towing Ltd. for storage and tow Sept 1, 2022 on a 2018 Mitsubishi Mirage VIN# ML32F3FJ0JHF11399 there is presently an amount due and owing $7,222.05 plus any additional costs of storage seizure and sale. For more information: Clover Towing Ltd. 5340 192nd St Surrey, BC. Closing dates for bids April 22, 2023.
By virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act Whereas, VICTORIA BREWSTER is indebted to Clover Towing Ltd. for storage and tow Sept 1, 2022 on a 2018 Mitsubishi Mirage VIN# ML32F3FJ0JHF11399 there is presently an amount due and owing $7,222.05 plus any additional costs of storage seizure and sale. For more information: Clover Towing Ltd. 5340 192nd St Surrey, BC. Closing dates for bids April 22, 2023.