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City is not thinking long-term

Approval of development proposal will further stress schools

Regarding the Redekop Homes proposal affecting the southeast corner of 152 Street and Panorama Drive.

As a resident of the neighbourhood and a homeowner, I have a number of concerns after visiting the open house on May 9.

Firstly, the site is being marketed as luxury rental housing for seniors, yet there is nothing in the bylaws that states this would be a seniors-only complex, which means technically anyone is allowed to rent. There is nothing to stop a realtor or rental agency from advertising to non-senior renters. Right from the start, this proposal lacks integrity.

Given that anyone can rent, there is bound to be an influx of families or single parents with kids that require adequate schooling. However, our elementary schools are overcrowded as is Sullivan Heights Secondary. The city is considering a proposal for a development that will further stress the existing overcrowded conditions for our kids.

To prove that point, I personally know a number of current residents in the neighbourhood, some that live right across from Sullivan Heights Secondary, whose kids are forced to go Frank Hurt because there is simply no room to accommodate them at Sullivan. By allowing a development of such scope and magnitude, the city is not taking into account the long term sustainability of the community. Which can only mean one thing...

The city is in debt. By selling off public land that at one time was to become a hospital or care facility for seniors, the city is demonstrating they are at the mercy of developers and are in need of the subsequent cash flow to balance the books.

The Redekop Homes proposal is not good for the residents of this community. The commercial space will just add to the half-empty commercial spaces that already exist in the area. The influx of rental units may attract a demographic that requires community supports currently not present in the area. The addition of children will add great stress to schools already bursting at the seems. The increased traffic will further add to the congestion of a poorly planned road system and transit service.

How then is this proposal for the betterment of our community? It isn’t. But it is probably very good for the bottom line.


Slavko Bucifal