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Fire ban helps who?

To me, there is a reason for the ban or attempted ban on wood fireplaces: Money for gas companies.

Re: “Open fire an enjoyable experience,” Letters, The Leader, Nov. 20.

To me, there is a reason for the ban or attempted ban on wood fireplaces. To say that it is pollution is an excuse and a benefit for the electric companies and gas companies.

Think about it. We are at the whim of corporations giving us food, light, gas and heat. There is a reason why they want to ban wood-burning fireplaces and I believe it has nothing to do with pollution but for the benefit of making money.

Plus, they can shut off the power to your home anytime. And what are you going do when the power goes out but freeze?

Everyone should watch the documentary, Who Killed The Electric Car?

You can find it online.


Dieter Krotzek, Surrey