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The media today is still saying there were no weapons of mass destruction found. Perhaps with the unrest in Syria they will appear.

I read the recent letter from L. Enns (“In defence of Bush,” Letters, Oct. 13).

I, too, read the book by Georges Sadda where he explains how Saddam Hussein hid weapons of mass destruction from the United Nations  by moving them to the desert in Syria. That did not get rid of them, and I suspect they are still there.

Not only did I read the book, but I met Mr. Sadda and asked him why this information was not given to the media. I presumed that he had fears for his safety, but the truth is he did tell a large newspaper in London. It refused to print the information as it would make Tony Blair look good and they did not like Tony Blair.

He also talked to a newspaper in New York and the response was the same, only they did not want to make George Bush look good.

The media today is still saying there were no weapons of mass destruction found. Perhaps with the unrest in Syria they will appear.


Glen Christensen