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LETTER: B.C. driver's exam requirement is age discrimination

Medical exams should only be required if evidence demonstrates the need: writer


Re: Driving in B.C. is a privilege, not a right, Letters to the editor

In response to Mr. Birney regarding my original letter,  "Can I have my $248 back?" 

I don't disagree with the comments regarding eyesight, hearing and reflexes declining with age. There's no question about that, but I think a person at reaching 80 years of age should have a medical examination for driving a vehicle IF THERE IS EVIDENCE DEMONSTRATING THEY NEED ONE, BASED ON THEIR DRIVING HISTORY.

I don't really have an issue with that. 

There should also be continuity regarding the doctor fee.

Why isn't there one amount charged for this medical examination? Why is this examination not covered by B.C. Medical since they are requiring us to have it, even though there may be no evidence to support having it done.

According to Transport Canada’s National Collision Database, the most reported accidents in the country involved drivers between the ages of 25-34. This age group also reports the highest number of car accident injuries.

Reading these statistics, I do think age discrimination is involved. Are all drivers between the ages of 25 and 34 required to have a medical examination, considering these statistics, and forced to pay a doctor's fee?

Roger Currie, Surrey