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LETTER: Why vilify columnist?

Tom Zytaruk is right –the area around 135A Street is violent and I do not feel safe going there.

The Editor,

Re: “Whalley’s violent 135A Street, part two,” the Now, Sept. 29.

Tom Zytaruk is right –the area around 135A Street is violent and I do not feel safe going there. I avoid events at the Chuck Bailey recreation centre and won’t even visit the lovely new library for those very reasons.

Zytaruk should not be vilified for simply stating facts. What should be happening is an effort to see what can be done to help the people who are there. No one truly wants to be driven to rob and hurt others to simply get a daily fix.

The first step to change all of this is safe permanent housing and treatment after a safe place to stay is provided. Hopefully Zytaruk’s column is a motivator to the politicians who have the power to change these things.

Please continue to have the bravery to say what people may not want to hear.

As long as it is truthful, it needs to be heard.


B. Campbell, Surrey