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Most british columbians can’t afford a tax increase

How do the rest of us, who are not so lucky to make $367 a day, pay more?

Re: David Purser’s letter of Sept. 4 (“Striking teachers: Do the math”).

I loved the calculations; it got me to thinking.

Purser calculated that teachers make $367 a day and only work 39 weeks a year. Then letter writer Michael Rich, a teacher, writes what a difficult position he’s in. He can only afford one car and finally took a vacation this year because his mother paid for it.

I worked for the federal government for 30 years, so I had some seniority. My life was threatened regularly. When I retired, my pay was $125 a day. When they needed to balance the budget, there were layoffs and the rest of us were told to be thankful for our jobs and deal with it.

Now that I’ve retired, my pay is $65.75 a day. While I’m trying to find out how to get Harvest Boxes from the community centre so I can eat and half the time I can’t afford to refill my prescriptions, these teachers want me to give them more money .

To pay for the teachers’ demands there will be property tax increases. How do the rest of us, who are not so lucky to make $367 a day, pay more?

How lucky to be in their position .


Marilyn Going