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Paving over paradise in North Delta

Change to the track at Sungod Arena has spoiled its natural parklike setting.

Can you please tell me why the track at the Sungod Arena has been paved without consulting the North Delta residents?

It has spoiled the natural parklike setting of Sungod, it also now prevents older people like myself from having a place to run that is not hard on our joints, and if you care at all about the wildlife in the park, the squirrels are running around trying to find the food that they have buried for the winter that you have dug up and paved over.

It is an extremely well-used park by both walkers and runners and it would have been nice if you had considered them before you moved blindly ahead with your non-eco-friendly and costly paving.

What a waste of our tax-paying dollars and for what?


Laurie Dahlgren