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Political theatre is a frustrating show

Canada is being stagnated due to bad representation.

Re: “Empty seats for political theatre,” The Leader, July 16.

Mr. Fletcher, I was very pleasantly surprised to read your very good and illuminating column about the political “shows” that are staged with media’s indirect help. We need more articles that shed light on the real causes of problems as well as properly expose the results of choices made by B.C.’s heavily left-leaning public and downright Statist/Socialist leaders.

The current B.C. political world is a stage where the Statists/Socialists (Liberals) are acting against the Statists/Communists (NDP), while both trying to be the first to legally plunder the lethargic and naive biomass (the public) and then blame all failures on the fact that they always seem to run out of other people’s money.

The rest of the blame goes to the departing leaders who are never being held personally financially responsible for anything and keep their pensions and titles regardless of their actual achievements.

Every election simply starts a new round of legalized plunder of public monies and personal rights, combined with more federal handouts that cause inflation and more grief for all Canadians.

I love this country and its people very much and I really don’t like to see its slow and painful stagnation due to heavy taxation without representation.

David Simonov

North Delta