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• The biggest truck load of roses to B&B Construction workers Nick, crew and flaggers. So very thoughtful, caring, great workers. What an amazing job on 80th Avenue.
• I agree and also send rotten tomatoes to the people who don’t pick up their garbage on the boulevard when it falls from their bin. Roses and thanks to the person for acknowledging the people who clean their street of other people’s garbage that they failed to clean up. Welcome to my world.
• Roses to our neighbour Ingi, a recent addition to the centenarian club, for teaching us that a daily visit to the garden, coupled with a joyous attitude, is the formula for a long and happy life.
• Rotten tomatoes to self-employed floor installers who do not guarantee their work. Beware of them and do your homework before you pay large amounts of money to have work done in your home.
• Rotten tomatoes to the current mayor and council. I think they have a misguided idea they are fulfilling a campaign promise. The policing issue is not why I voted for them in the last election. This ongoing feud with the provincial government and wanton unnecessary spending of money to support their position is the reason I won’t vote for them in the next election.
• Rotten tomatoes to the NDP for their bullying tactics around the transition from the RCMP to Surrey Police Service. Hold a referendum and let the Surrey taxpayer decide. There seems to be a failure in relating the full story to Surrey residents.