• Roses to the nice young man in Guildford Mall who, the week before last, picked up a ring and, while returning it to me, perhaps thinking this senior lady had dropped it, turned it spontaneously into a touching gesture, by going down on one knee and offering it to me while saying: "Are we engaged now?" Quite stunned, I blurted out: "Yes, I suppose so" and we shared a chuckle and continued on our own way. Whoever you are, you made my day! (While the ring turned out to be inexpensive "costume jewellery'," I did report it to mall administration/lost and found) – Harmiena Torenbeek, Surrey
• Roses to the two women that placed the injured seagull into the basketball court in Hawthorne Court, so I could come across and go back home to grab a animal carrier. When arriving back could not find the seagull, until another family saw the carrier and told me where the injured bird had moved too. This was a community coming together for the greater good. There are truly amazing people out there.
• Roses: I would like to nominate the Surrey Islamic Centre volunteer garden team for making the neighbourhood so colourful and pretty.
• Roses if bylaw and the police can stop all the fireworks at Halloween and Diwali. So far in years past nothing has been done.
• Rotten tomatoes to the large grocery stores that only had two cashiers on duty and the self-serve. The lineups were very long in all three lines. So I left all my groceries for you to put back. I will shop elsewhere. Just so you know, there were lots of staff stocking shelves.
• Rotten tomatoes to the students at Enver Creek high school for dumping their lunch time garbage (paper plates, napkins, cups) on the lawns and street between the Petro Canada station and the school when they go for lunch. Very sad that our next generation has such little respect for others, their property, and the planet! We even called the school to bring it to their attention. Their response was that it's the responsibility of the Petro Canada station where the students buy lunch to police this matter!
• Rotten tomatoes to Elections BC who took over our seniors centres, and we missed out on our exercises. How are our instructors getting paid?
• Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey needs more left-hand turn light signals. We need single lights on 88th Avenue in Port Kells, not four-way stop signs; it's a forgotten area for signal lights. Have you been there during rush hour? This causes road rage.
Got a compliment or a complaint to share? Email newsroom@surreynowleader.com.