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ROSES AND ROTTEN TOMATOES: Roses to city council for listening

Our regular collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers
Email your submissions to Roses and Rotten Tomatoes to

• Roses to those in city council who listened to people (voters who they represent) and said no to a recent zoning change.

• Thorns (or rotten tomatoes) to the owner or Realtor that had a open house and threw all the garbage and rugs onto the footpath and into the bushes, so they could do their open house with a clean yard. Shame on you!

• Roses to the Surrey Police Service who have become the police of jurisdiction in Surrey. This is long overdue and should’ve happened a long time ago.

• Roses to the first responders and health-care workers who were there when I was in need. Thank you.

• Rotten tomatoes to all these poorly built shiny new condos in Whalley. They’re the spitting images of file cabinets and shoeboxes. These new developments are clearly pushing all the drug addicts into other areas like Fleetwood, Guilford, Newton, Cloverdale, and White Rock. Trying to beautify Whalley is like putting ribbon on a piece of garbage. 

• Rotten tomatoes to Fleetwood. This one’s peaceful neighbourhood, but I’ve called home for many years has now gone downhill. It’s not uncommon to see drug addicts, street people and aggressive panhandlers lurking around, looking for paying customers as if I owe them a living. I’d hate to imagine what’s going to become of this community when the SkyTrain is built. The last thing Fleetwood needs is another Surrey Central.

Got a compliment or a complaint to share? Email your Roses & Rotten Tomatoes to