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Society bending in all directions

‘Tolerance’ and ‘acceptance’ being used as a catalyst for pretty much anything these days.
Students and staff at Lord Tweedsumir Secondary recently celebrated the opening of an all-gender restroom at the high school. A pair of letter writers aren’t as happy about the move.

I am so disappointed to read the article in The Leader’s May 11 paper: “All-gender restroom ‘a step forward’ at Lord Tweedsmuir,” by The Cloverdale Reporter’s Jennifer Lang.

It goes on to say that the “bathroom is symbolic of culture of acceptance, students and staff say.”

How sad is this that the words “tolerance” and “acceptance” are being used as a catalyst for pretty much anything these days, whether common sense prevails or not.

Our society is bending and twisting in every direction to accommodate anyone and everything, laying aside any moral value or bit of common sense. How long will this go on before people start waking up and realizing they are causing more harm than good?

Take a look at the sad state of affairs at the recent 420 pot gathering in Vancouver. Our new federal Liberal government is committed to legalizing marijuana and just a look at the potheads and state of the individuals that showed up that day, disrespecting the law, leaving the place a pigsty, serving minors weed, etc.

Take a look at pride parades. I do not know any homosexual person that carries on the way they do in this annual parade nor do I believe that there would be or should be a heterosexual parade where people conduct themselves in such a way in a public place.

And heaven forbid that you stand up and say anything against it as you will swiftly have the words intolerant, bigot, close-minded, etc. chanted back at you.

The people with courage enough to stand up and voice their sadness come from a deep place of care and concern for our nation as a whole. This country was raised on godly principles and had a strong moral core. Look where we are today. Just take a look around you.

T. Gaw


Accept the individual, not necessarily their choices

With words such as “acceptance,” “tolerance” and “inclusion” dominating our social lexicon to the extent that personal choices and behaviours that were once considered verboten and irrational are now mainstream, we have opened the door even further to undermining what it actually means to be human.

If gender identity is now something to be decided by the individual, why not species identity or age identity or a multitude of other identity markers that make up human existence? Why have washrooms at all and just allow those who feel they need to relieve themselves outside do so?

Once we as a society accept whatever an individual decides should be accepted, there is no end to where this will lead us. Perhaps it is about time to discuss the radical idea of absolutes and moral accountability and what it really means to fully accept an individual and not necessarily their choices and lifestyles all in the name of personal and societal well-being.

Don Sukkau
