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The rich understand the poor only so much

Wealthy people could and should contribute much more to society, says a letter writer.

Re: “‘Poverty’ declines, nobody notices,” B.C. Views, June 26.

Perhaps legislative reporter Tom Fletcher ought to be less concerned about the low-income folk and the outright poor getting a break, however meager, and more concerned with perhaps enlightening his readership as to exactly how, in a moral sense, a businessperson “earns,” say, $100 billion, as did computer-smiths Bill Gates and the late Steve Jobs.

Yes, Gates, to his credit, is giving some back to society via philanthropy.

And, no, the “genius” Gates’ computer-software contribution to society does not come even close to him “earning” such a totally gratuitous sum of profit.

One would think that to “earn” so many billions, the very wealthy person would be performing some super feat for humanity or the much-wanting eco-systems around most of the world: Eliminating starvation or alleviating a great deal of the mass suffering – eg., through the mass distribution of much-needed medicines – occurring 24/7 around so much of this world.

Yet Gates and Jobs does/did not do so, regardless of the fact that so very much more could be or could’ve been done.

Frank G. Sterle, Jr., White Rock