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Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Jan. 4, 2024)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers
Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

CLICK HERE to send us your submissions.

• Roses to King Charles for his personal card this Christmas. Hip Hip Hooray!

• Roses to the news that more parking will be available in Crescent Beach. Get used to it, Crescent Beach property owners. Here in North Surrey, we cannot reserve parking in front of our homes. We have people parking box trucks, trailers and buses.

•Rotten tomatoes to the lowlife who stole my baby stroller from my house, twice. If you keep entering people’s homes and stealing their property, you will get caught. Karma will kick your behind later.

• Rotten tomatoes to Mayor Brenda Locke, who is fighting hard to keep her promise to the 30 per cent of those who voted for her. The other 70 per cent of those who voted may think otherwise about the police transition. Those who did not vote may think otherwise. It is ridiculous to be using tax dollars on a court case and “information campaign” for a promise supported by a small portion of Surrey’s population. The likelihood of the RCMP being able to keep police staffing levels appropriate for Surrey’s rapidly growing population is low. The Surrey Police Service transition will benefit the city in the long run and the jurisdictions that continue to be served by the RCMP.