Without warning, Surrey’s Big Ridge restaurant and bar closed on Monday (Sept. 12), along with the liquor store the company operated in the same Panorama-area strip mall.
A paper signed taped to the door thanks people for their patronage “as we close this chapter” at the corner of Highway 10 and 152 Street.
“Any outstanding gift certificates can bee (sic) redeemed at any otheer (sic) MJG location,” the sign adds.
By Tuesday, Big Ridge was scrubbed from the company website (mjg.ca), which notes other bars in the MJG chain, including Yaletown Brewing, High Mountain Brewing in Whistler and Richmond’s Flying Beaver Bar & Grill.
It’s true: Surrey’s @BigRidgeBrewing has shut down. @SurreyNowLeader pic.twitter.com/VUXJ7QUNbm
— Tom Zillich (@TomZillich) September 13, 2022
Established in 1976, Mark James Group, or MJG, is billed as “British Columbia’s premiere collection of craft brewery restaurants.”
In Surrey, the Big Ridge restaurant/bar operated for many years in Panorama, first at a kitty-corner location near the YMCA building, followed by a move to the southeast corner of the intersection.
In June, CTV News reported that a decision issued in B.C. Supreme Court found that a 1996 agreement between shareholders in 471469 B.C. Ltd. – the landlord for High Mountain Brewing in Whistler and Big Ridge Brewing in Surrey – is still valid and binding on the current shareholders.
The dispute over the numbered company arose from a disagreement between the James and Wolverton families that own it, according to the CTV report.
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