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LETTER: Column on dogs simply seemed like trolling

The Editor,

Re: "Sympathy for the dog killer Paulsen," the Now, Feb. 5.

As one who has had a few controversial letters to the editor published in the Now, I was glad to see editor Beau Simpson support columnist Adrian MacNair's "right to hold - and publish - opinions that may be unpopular."

I also agreed with Simpson's decision as editor to apologize for the column's insensitivities. Rather than a fair and reasoned argument to justify a point of view, it seemed to me to be nothing more than a deliberate attempt by MacNair to upset readers by making inflammatory statements to provoke them. Some call that trolling.

MacNair should consider making a sincere apology to his readers, but I hope he won't try to demonstrate that sincerity by purchasing one of those $350 shelter dogs he referred to, because they deserve better.

Gary Cameron, Surrey