Despite battling a case of laryngitis, Prism frontman Al Harlow told the large crowd gathered at Memorial Park in White Rock Thursday night that the show must go on.
So he brought in a little help from singer Shawn Klatt to fill out the vocals, put out a call to the audience for cough drops, and spent about 90 minutes performing all the iconic Canadian band’s best-known hits, from Spaceship Superstar to a singalong chorus of Armageddon, before wrapping it all up with an encore that featured Take me to the Kaptin.
READ MORE: Stage set for White Rock concert series featuring Prism
Opening Thursday with Stonebolt Revisited (saluting the ’60s and ’70s) and Prism (also featuring Marc Gladstone, Gary Grace and Tad C Goddard), the Concert For the Pier series continues at 8 p.m. on July 14 at Five Corners with Kalimba. Shows are presented for free, but donations are being accepted to help with pier’s restoration.
READ MORE: Crash Test Dummies, Prism to headline White Rock concert series
Other upcoming concerts include: July 18, 7 p.m. at Totem Park, East Beach (The Fab Fourever, Eagle Eyes); July 25, 7 p.m. at Memorial Park (Babe Gurr, Jim Byrnes); Aug 8., 7 p.m. at Five Corners (Duelling Pianos, Dr. Strangelove) and Aug. 15, 7 p.m. at Totem Park (Fionn, The Crash Test Dummies).