Have an event you want people in Surrey to know about? Email edit@surreynowleader.com.
“Frozen”: Peninsula Productions presents a staged reading of play written by Bryony Lavery and directed by Guy Fauchon, at Surrey Arts Centre’s Studio Theatre on Wednesday, Jan. 23. “Angry, humane, and compassionate, this extraordinary play entwines the lives of a murderer, the mother of one of his victims, and his psychologist to explore our capacity for forgiveness, remorse, and change after an act that seems to rule them out entirely.” Info: tickets.surrey.ca, 604-501-5566.
Surrey School District’s ACT 1 Individual Events Festival on Wednesday, Jan. 23, 4:30 to 9:30 pm, at Bell Performing Arts Centre (6250 144 St, Surrey). Info: sdta.weebly.com/act-1-festival.html.
“Night Watch”: Surrey Little Theatre stages a thriller by Lucille Fletcher from Jan. 24 to Feb. 23. “A woman sees a dead body in the window of the abandoned building across the way from her home. Her husband tries to comfort her but believes she is still affected by an earlier tragedy. As a detective begins to investigate, her close friend, the housekeeper, and her rather sinister neighbor all contribute to the deepening mystery.” Info: surreylittletheatre.com.
“Brain and Other Stories”: Canadian poetry SLAM champ Brendan McLeod performs the award-winning work on Friday, Feb. 1 at Centre Stage at Surrey City Hall, 13450 104th Ave. Tickets are $25-35, including all fees. Call 604-501-5566 or visit tickets.surrey.ca. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Surrey School District One Act Play Festival on Friday, Feb. 22 at Salish Secondary School (7278 184 St, Surrey), from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Info: sdta.weebly.com/one-act-play-festival.html.
Jazz Vespers at Northwood United Church: Hour-long concert events on second and fourth Sundays at church, 8855 156th St., Surrey, 4 p.m. start, Northwood-united.org. Jan. 27: Dave Guiney Swing Band; Feb. 10: Don Stewart Quartet; Feb. 24: Olaf DeShield Jazz Band; March 10: Artie Devlin, vibraphone & Natasha D’Agostino, vocals; March 24: Trevor Whitridge, trumpet & Lauren Tividar, vocals.
Blues for the Bank: Annual benefit concert for Surrey Food Bank’s Tiny Bundles program on Saturday, Jan. 26 at Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel (15269 104th Ave, Surrey). Live music by Agent C and Top Secret and guests, plus dancing and networking. “ Every guest has the opportunity to make additional individual contributions towards a great cause.” Tickets are $35 each, call 604-501-5566 or visit tickets.surrey.ca.
Matthew Good: Local rock singer-songwriter will perform a “solo acoustic” concert at Surrey Arts Centre on Sunday, Feb. 3, as part of national tour. Tickets $50 each, plus service charges, via 1-855-985-5000 and ticketmaster.ca.
The Lonely: Celebrating the Music of Roy Orbison concert at Surrey Arts Centre on Friday, Feb. 8, plus hits by The Travelling Wilburys and Everly Brothers. Info at rockitboy.com, or call 1-855-985-5000.
Fred Penner: “Sing along with one of Canada’s best-loved children’s entertainers and a four-time Juno winner,” at Surrey Arts Centre on Feb. 9. Tickets are $25 each at the box office, 604-501-5566, tickets.surrey.ca.
Valentine’s Hit Parade: Tribute To The Legends dinner/dance Tuesday, Feb. 12 at Elements Casino Surrey, 17755 60 Ave, tickets $40. “Come and dance to the music of Cheek to Cheek and The Tributes artists, Gail Hawks as Connie Francis, Colleen Dee as Brenda Lee, Gord Rebel as Roy Orbison, Ms. Janice as Patsy Cline and Aaron Wong as Elvis Presley.” To reserve: 604-575-5603, 604-588-9761, elementscasinosurrey.com.
Donegal’s Irish House: Live music Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 12054 96th Ave., Surrey. Info: 604-584-2112, donegals.pub/band-calendar. Jan. 26: Bad Moon Riders (CCR tribute); Feb. 23: Guns n F’n Roses (tribute); March 23: Paul Kype w/ Corey Lavigne and the Blues Machine.
The Flamingo: Live entertainment in three bars, 10768 King George Blvd., Surrey. Info: theflamingo.ca/events. Fri., Jan. 25/Sat., Jan. 26: Smoked Out Rap Battles: 5 Year Anniversary, Blackbird Hall; Sat., Feb. 2: The Longriders (Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute), Blackbird Hall; Fri., Feb. 8: Las Chinga and League of Corruption (70’s rock), Blackbird Hall; Sat., Feb. 9: Golden Oldies Tributes (Elvis, Patsy Cline, Roy Orbison), Blackbird Hall.
Dublin Crossing: Live music and more at Irish-themed bar, 18789 Fraser Hwy., Surrey. 604-575-5470, Dublincrossing.com. Weds.: Magic with Rick Mearns. Solo performers Tues./Thurs, plus weekend dance bands. Jan. 25-26: The Quickness; Feb. 1-2: Pop Junkies; Feb. 8-9: Pat Chessell Band; Feb. 15-16: One and a Half Band; Feb. 22-23: Hew Stewey.
The Taphouse Guildford: Music/sports bar, 15330 102A Ave., Surrey, featuring DJ/dance nights (Thurs.-Sat.), live music (Sun./Tues.), karaoke (Wed.), trivia (Mon.). Info: 604-583-8828, Thetaphouse.ca.
Elements Casino: Live music and special events at 300-seat licensed venue, 17755 60th Ave., Cloverdale. Info: Elementscasinosurrey.com.
The Grind open-mic coffee house: Event held on the last Friday of every month at Bethany-Newton United Church from 7 to 9 p.m., with music, poetry and more in a relaxed setting, with featured guests to start the evening. At 14853 60th Ave, Surrey.
The Cloverdale Market: “Your Weekly Treasure Hunt” in two buildings with 200 tables and 100+ outdoor spots, open every Sunday from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Cloverdale Fairgrounds, off 176th St. (Hwy 15) and 62nd Ave., Surrey. Info: 604-837-1676, Cloverdalemarket.ca.
Bear Creek Park Train and MiniGolf: Train rides through the forest at Surrey’s largest park, 13750 88th Ave. For hours and rates, call 604-501-1232 or visit bctrains.com.
Coast Capital Reading Buddies program at Surrey Libraries: “Parents, does your child need practice reading? If your child is in grades 2-4 and could benefit from reading practice, sign him/her up for this free program,” at various libraries in Surrey. Info: surreylibraries.ca/services/teens/coast-capital-savings-reading-buddies.
“Let’s Talk About Reconciliation” event Thursday, Jan. 24 at City Centre Library, from 6 to 8 p.m. “Join us to watch Forgotten Warriors film, which introduces us to thousands of enlisted Indigenous Canadians who fought during World War II. While they fought for the freedom of others, they were denied equality in their own country. A community dialogue will follow the movie and refreshments will be provided.” Event held in partnership with Surrey Schools. Registration required, 604-598-7426. Event at 10350 University Dr, Surrey, Room 418.
KDocs-hosted double-header of award-winning documentary films on Feb. 6 at KPU’s Surrey Conference Centre, 12666 72nd Ave., featuring “RGB,” a 2018 doc about U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Morgan Neville’s “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?,” which profiles children’s television icon Fred Rogers. Free admission, with panel discussion and a keynote speech by Ellen Woodsworth. Event requires registration to reserve a seat for each film, via email sent to rbg@kpu.ca and/or neighbour@kpu.ca. More info: kdocsff.com.
Provincial Dodgeball Championships at Elgin Park Secondary in South Surrey on Saturday, Jan. 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Winners will be chosen to compete at the National Dodgeball Championships in Charlottetown PEI this spring. Individuals and teams can register at dodgebc.com/merch. Fee $42 per person. Spectators welcome.
Wickenheiser World Female Hockey Festival (“Wickfest”) held at arena across Surrey from Jan. 31 to Feb. 3. “Celebrating women in hockey, this female hockey tournament brings together teams from as far as Atlantic Canada and the United States.” Info: wickfest.com.
Surrey Sharks Field Hockey Club welcomes new players to register for its 2019 Spring League, for Mini (U6-U10) and Junior (U11-U18) programs at Tamanawis Field. Info: surreysharks.ca.
Robbie Burns Birthday Celebration at SFU Surrey on Friday, Jan. 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., #250-13450 102 Ave, Surrey (campus mezzanine). “If you’ve never heard Robbie Burns poetry, participated in a bagpipe procession or tasted haggis (or quite simply you can’t get enough), this will be a real treat. To get into the spirit of the occasion, feel free to dress in traditional Scottish attire, or sport your favourite tartan colours.” Info: sfu.ca/sfu-community/events.
“Love Full of Fraser” Spring Festival Gala sponsored by Fraser Valley Chinese Culture Association, at Pacific Academy’s Chandos Pattison auditorirum, 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26. Tickets range from $20 to $118, with groups of 10 or more for $15 each. At 10238 168th St., Surrey. Info: Cathy Ma (604-772-1546, chineseinfraservalley@gmail.com.
Family Nights in Cloverdale: “Looking for plans on Friday nights? Join us for an evening filled with family-fun at recreation facilities in Cloverdale. All events are free to attend,” at Don Christian Recreation Centre, Cloverdale Recreation Centre and Clayton Hall. For dates and other details, call 604-598-7960 or visit surrey.ca/culture-recreation/23500.aspx.
Hollywood 3 Cinemas: 7125 138th St. (Newton Centre, near 72nd Ave., Surrey). 604-592-4441. Hollywoodcinema.ca.
Landmark Cinemas 12 Guildford: 15051 101st Ave. 604-581-1716, Landmarkcinemas.com
Strawberry Hill Cineplex: 12161 72nd Ave., Surrey. 604-501-9400.
Art of Lights lantern festival at Bill Reid Millennium Amphitheatre Park in Cloverdale, 17728 64 Ave. Open 5 to 10 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until Feb. 10. Info: artoflights.org, tickets via showpass.com.
Lunar New Year Fest at Central City Shopping Centre on Saturday, Feb. 2, 10153 King George Blvd., Surrey. Free admission. “Celebrate the Year of the Pig! Come to Central City’s Lunar New Year Fest between 10am and 2pm for free family fun including cultural music, dance, crafts, lucky draws, giveaways, a traditional lion dance, and more. Info: centralcity.ca.
Surrey Police Recovered Goods and Fitness Auction on Thursday, Jan. 24, 9:30 a.m. start, at Able Auctions in Newton, 13557 77th Ave. Preview is Wednesday, Jan. 23 from noon to 6 p.m. “Nine Precore Treadmills, Arm Curl Station, Bikes including Mountain, cruiser, bmx, kids bikes, tools, baby accessories, sporting goods, small kitchen appliances, jewellery, watches, musical instruments, toys and much more.” Info: ableauctions.ca, 604-594-2253.
Third Age Learning at Kwantlen (TALK) offers “creative and stimulating educational activities for adults over 50,” with special evening events at KPU campus in Surrey. Info: kpu.ca/talk.
Kwantlen St. Winter Market and Food Truck Festival held Saturdays to June 20 at KPU’s Surrey campus, 12666 72nd Ave., from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Indoor/outdoor event, at Main Building, free parking, live entertainment. Farm Fresh Events: farmfreshevents@gmail.com, 778-688-3663, kwantlenstmarket.ca.
Ukrainian “soul food” – perogies, cabbage rolls and borscht – available for sale on the last Friday of each month as fundraiser at Ukrainian Cultural Centre, 13512 108th Ave., Surrey, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. “Eat-in, take away, or ready for your freezer.” Info: 604-531-1923, 604-581-0313.
Holy Cross Ukrainian Church (13753 108th Ave., Surrey) can provide pyrogies and cabbage rolls for your large family gathering or reunion any time. Sales are held on the last Saturday of every month, except for December, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. For big orders, call 778-707-9105. Can deliver.
“The Beginning of a Conversation”: Surrey Hospice Society’s third annual public forum tackles death-related subjects on Saturday, Jan. 26 at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s campus in Newton, 12666 72nd Ave., 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free admission. For info about guest speakers and more, visit surreyhospice.com.
TEDx Bear Creek Park: Surrey’s first-ever TEDx event will be held April 6 at Centre Stage, Surrey City Hall, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., featuring 13 guest speakers. Tickets and info: tedxbearcreekpark.ca.
Hearts, Horses & Hope with Red Robinson benefit event for The Centre for Child Development, on Friday, Feb. 15 at Elements Casino, 6 p.m. start., 17755 60th Ave. “Enjoy the exhilaration of harness racing at Fraser Downs Racetrack and sensational selections from the Clubhouse Buffet, as you listen to Red’s encounters with the legends of rock’n roll. Finish the evening with a sock hop, dancing to the music of the 50’s.” Tickets $65 for regular and $150 for VIP, the-centre.org/events, 604-533-4884.
“Celebration of Care Gala: To Surrey With Love”: James Bond-themed benefit event for surgery at Surrey Memorial Hospital, on Feb. 23 at Aria Convention Centre. “Presented by Berezan and EllisDon, the 2019 Celebration of Care Gala: To Surrey With Love is an opportunity to dress up and step into the world of England’s most famous fictitious secret agent while raising funds to transform our Operating Rooms with new technology and state-of-the-art medical equipment.” Info: surreyhospitalfoundation.com, 604-588-3371.
White Spot Pipe Band 1st annual spring Ceilidh on Saturday, April 13 at Cloverdale Catholic Hall, 17475 59 Ave, Surrey, 6 p.m. start, featuring live music by Blackthorn. “Come out to our family friendly evening of music, dance and fun!” Tickets $20, or $10 for kids 12 and under. Info: whitespotpipeband.com, 604-649-6482.
“One Night in the Valley”: Chart-topping country musician Dallas Smith will perform at gala concert/fundraiser to benefit Variety – the Children’s Charity, at Cloverdale Agriplex on Saturday, April 27. Event promises “authentic saloons for select spirit tastings,” among other highlights. Tickets are $199 before Jan. 31, after which the “regular” ticket rate is $249. Tables available. Info: onenightin.ca.
Surrey Kids Read: Annual community event Saturday, Jan. 26, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Guildford Town Centre (centre court), 10355 152 St. “Join us to celebrate Family Literacy Day with our annual Surrey Kids Read event. Enjoy children’s entertainers: Tony Prophet, Silly Suzie, the Ta Daa Lady, and Shyama-Priya,” with face painting, button making and other activities. The first 200 families will receive a free copy of the book, The Reading Tree. “Pick up a colouring sheet to take home and colour. Then, return it to any Surrey Library location for a free New Kids Walter & Jazzy book bag.”
“Kwantlen Improv” drop-in workshop Mondays at KPU Surrey from 5 to 7 p.m., 12666 72nd Ave. “Kwantlen Polytechnic University students and members of the public are invited to laugh and learn with Daniel Chai every Monday in Birch 250! Come and learn theatre games, communication techniques, make new friends and have fun! No experience necessary.” Free for current students, $5 for alumni & KPU Staff, and $10 for public. Info: thefictionals.com.
The Comic Strippers: All-male comedy improv show returns to Surrey’s Bell Performing Arts Centre on Friday, Jan. 25. Tickets $42 via bellperformingartscentre.com, 604 507-6355. ”A male stripper parody and improv comedy show; your favourite comedy bodies are back with a new show, more moves and even quicker wits.” Show info: www.thecomicstrippers.com.
Gerry Dee: Canadian comedian best known for TV’s “Mr. D” show does “20 Years of Stand-up” tour that includes date at Surrey’s Bell Performing Arts Centre on Friday, Apil 5.Info: livenation.com, gerrydee.com.
Museum of Surrey: “Dinosaurs Unearthed” exhibit on view until March 31. At 17710 56A Ave., Cloverdale. Info: Surrey.ca/heritage, 604-592-6956.
Historic Stewart Farm: Facility located at site of 1894 farmhouse and heritage gardens, at 13723 Crescent Rd., South Surrey. Info: 604-592-6956, www.surrey.ca/heritage.
Surrey Archives: Info: 604-502-6459 or archives@surrey.ca. 17671 56th Ave, Cloverdale.
Pre-teen Dances at six locations across Surrey on select dates. “We have great concession, awesome light shows, and music that you and your friends will love to dance to.” Info: 604-501-5100, surrey.ca/culture-recreation/20955.aspx.
Surrey Fiddlers Old Time Dance takes place at Don Christian Recreation Centre, 6220 184th St., Surrey, on first Tuesday of every month, except July and August, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Admission is $4. Call Evan, 604-576-1066.
Dance Without Limits (Surrey) on Thursdays at Chuck Bailey Rec Centre, 13458 107A Ave., Surrey. “The Cerebral Palsy Association of BC is offering a free, inclusive art program for children and youth 5-15 years old with any type of disability. Family members, siblings and friends are welcome. The program is run on a drop-in basis.” Info: bccerebralpalsy.com/programs/dance-without-limits.
Learn to Square Dance events at Chuck Bailey rec centre on Thursday evenings (Sept. to June), 6:30 p.m. start, 13458 107A Ave., Surrey, hosted by Wheeling 8’s Square Dance Club. “We are a wheelchair square dance club that do square dancing in wheel chairs. We welcome people in wheelchairs and their caregivers and any other people that would like to learn. We are a busy club going out to different places to show off our dancing skills.” Contact: Darlene, darlmel@shaw.ca, 604-358-2841.
Scottish Country Dance classes at Sullivan Hall, 6306 152nd St., Surrey. Hosted by White Rock Scottish Country Dance Club. “First class free, drop-in fee $5.” Events are held on Wednesday evenings each week, starting at 7 p.m. For info, call Maureen at 604-536-1367 or visit Wrscdc.org.
T.W. Twirlers Square Dance Club hosts events every Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Christian Life Assembly Church, #110-12332 Patullo Place, Surrey. All-ages event, first night is free admission. “It is ‘Friendship Set To Music.’ Come out and have fun learning to dance and meet new friends, for a social, fun night out.” Info: darlmel@shaw.ca, 604-358-2841.
Surrey International Folk Dancing meets Thursdays from 7 to 10 pm at Walnut Road Elementary, 16152 82nd Ave., Surrey, from September to June. “First time free, no partner required. Wear comfortable shoes.” $4 drop-in fee. Info: Call Dale, 604-496-4236, Surreyfolkdance.org.
The Cloverdale Rodeo Youth Initiative Foundation encourages local charitable organizations and not-for-profit groups to submit applications for financial support. Applications will be considered by the organizations Board of Directors based on the criteria outlined on the Foundation website, cloverdalerodeofoundation.com.
Jamming at Fleetwood: Golden-agers are invited to join group of senior musicians that meets every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., at 15996 84th Ave. “We play for the sheer pleasure of entertaining a dedicated audience who come in to listen or dance, every week. Lunch is available for purchase, and you can try your luck at winning a 50/50 draw.” Info: contact Mildred, email truderung37@gmail.com or call 604-789-5037.
Art Together gatherings at Surrey Art Gallery: “Make art, meet friends, and share your ideas. If you’re a young person, the gallery wants your help planning upcoming projects, programs, and events. This is a unique opportunity to create do-it-together art projects and learn a range of art media shoulder-to-shoulder with emerging to established mentoring artists.” Twice-month events, typically, at gallery. Email artgallery@surrey.ca to get involved, or visit surrey.ca/culture-recreation/21721.aspx.
Surrey Art Gallery: Gallery at Bear Creek Park, 88th Ave./King George Blvd. 604-501-5566, Surrey.ca/artgallery. “Nicoletta Baumeister: In the Realm of Perception,” “Triangle Trade” and “Colette Urban: Gambler,” to March 24; “Impressions: Crescent Beach Photography Club,” to Feb. 10.
Thursday Artist Talk: Events hosted by Surrey Art Gallery Association (SAGA) on first Thursday of every month at Bear Creek Park facility, 7:30 p.m. Info: 604-501-5566, Arts.surrey.ca.
Newton Cultural Centre showcases works by local artists at 13530 72nd Ave. Info: 604-594-2700, Artscouncilofsurrey.ca.
Surrey Urban Screen: Digital art shown on screen on side of building at Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre, at 13458 107A Ave. Exhibit can be viewed from 30 minutes after sunset until midnight. Info: 604-598-5898, Surreyurbanscreen.ca. To April 28: Nicolas Sassoon: “Liquid Landscapes.”
Newton Talks: Monthly networking events for business and community members in the Newton area. Contact Newton BIA, 604-593-2294, or search eventbrite.ca.
Valley Women’s Network Luncheons held on last Wednesday of every month at Eaglequest Golf Club, 7778 152nd St., Surrey. Event fee $27, or $30 at door for non-members. “Come share your business successes, goals with us and let us help one another.” Info: Valleywomensnetwork.com, 604-940-9355.
Surrey Board of Trade’s annual New Year’s Reception on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at office, #101-14439 104 Ave., Surrey, from 5-8 p.m. “We hold this event every January to celebrate the successes of the past year in business, and to wish all our members a Happy New Year! This year’s event is generously sponsored by Tien Sher Management Group Inc. We will be collecting food and cash donations for the Surrey Food Bank.”
Claire Trevena, BC Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, to speak about transportation issues and plans for Surrey, plus B.C.’s new ridesharing legislation, at Surrey Board of Trade luncheon, on Monday, Jan. 28 at Civic Hotel (13475 Central Ave., Surrey). For tickets, visit businessinsurrey.com or call 604-581-7130.
“Surrey Hot Topic Dialogue: RCMP or a Municipal Police Force in Surrey”: Surrey Board of Trade hosts breakfast event on Tuesday, Jan. 29 at Civic Hotel. “Surrey is looking at transitioning to a municipal police force from the current RCMP. What would have better outcomes regarding public safety? Attend the Surrey Hot Topic Dialogue and find out.” Panelists include Jim Cessford, former Chief Constable of the City of Delta, Fraser MacRae, former Assistant Commissioner of the Surrey RCMP, and Kash Heed, former MLA and Chief Constable of the West Vancouver Police. Admission: Free, Registration required. Info: businessinsurrey.com.
“Development and Land Use Planning: The Economic Future of Metro Vancouver”: Surrey Board of Trade hosts event on Feb. 20 at Civic Hotel, featuring guests speakers Jonathan Coté, Chair of Translink’s Mayor’s Council and Metro Vancouver Board Chair, Councillor Sav Dhaliwal. Topics include Respective Roles as Chair, Impact to city building, Goals to engage the business community. Info: businessinsurrey.com, 604-581-7130.
Call for nominations: 10th Annual Surrey Women in Business Awards hosted by Surrey Board of Trade. “Help us celebrate the successful women in Surrey that make our business community such a vibrant place.” Nomination deadline is Feb. 7, event date March 13. For details, including a list of categories and more, visit businessinsurrey.com or call 604-634-0347.
KPU Surrey Open House on Saturday, Feb. 9 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., 12666 72 Ave. “Meet KPU faculty, students and advisors, take a campus tour and enjoy interactive exhibits, enter to win prizes, including free tuition.” To RSVP, visit kpu.ca/kpu-surrey-open-house.
Artist Masterclass Series: Spoken Word & SLAM Poetry event at Surrey Arts Centre on Saturday, Feb. 2, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For teens, 19+, seniors. “This workshop is open to anyone interested in learning about storytelling, SLAM, spoken word, and performance poetry – from beginners through to more experienced and from any genre of writing. Guided by former Canada SLAM poetry champion Brendan McLeod, you’ll craft and perform your own piece.” Registration closes Jan. 25. Fee $170, which includes one ticket to Brendan’s show Brain & Other Stories at Centre Stage at Surrey City Hall on Feb. 1. Register online at webreg.surrey.ca or call 604-501-5100, course #4636613.
Free Family Education Series every Wednesday, 6 to 7:30 p.m., in Newton area. Contact Semone Trautman for location details (semone.trautman@fraserhealth.ca, 778-240-5431). “This is a free education series for families/natural supports who are supporting an adult loved one with a mental illness.”
Surrey English Language Centre provides free English language classes for new immigrants to Canada with proof of permanent residence, age 17 or older. “We offer full-time and evening LINC classes year-round, funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.” To register, call 604-582-7479, email selc@shaw.ca, visit 9801 King George Blvd. (suites #111 and #350), Surrey.
Free “English for the Workplace” classes at PICS in new Project Based Language Training Program (PBLT). “Students will learn and develop soft skills, job search, resume writing, interview skills, networking and much more.” Call 604-596-7722, ext. 138. Free childminding on site.
North Surrey Horticultural Society meets at 7:30 p.m. on third Monday of the month, March through October, in the basement of Grace Community Church, 14618 110th Ave. “We have guest speakers on a wide variety of topics, a show bench, a sharing table, and like to get together and have fun and learn about gardening. We welcome all who are interested in gardening. Come by and drop in to a meeting and join us for coffee.” Info: 604-588-8977.
Cloverdale Garden Club meets on the second Thursday of the month, from September to June, at Clayton Community Hall, 18513 70th Ave., Surrey. Annual membership is $20, drop-in fee is $3. For information, contact Nancy, 604-530-4197.
South Surrey Garden Club: The club meets at 7 p.m. every fourth Wednesday (except August and December) at St. Mark’s Anglican Church, 12953 20th Ave. “We have a very active and full program with great speakers, field trips and workshops.” Info: Contact Kathy Starke at 604 535 8264 or visit Southsurreygardenclub.ca.
Nature Work Parties at Hazelnut Meadows Community Park, 14069 68 Ave., on Feb. 9 and March 9 from 10 a.m. to noon. “Get your hands dirty removing invasive plants with friends and family and join others in caring for Surrey’s unique urban forest. Everyone is welcome to participate; no experience is required.” Events are drop-in, rain or shine. The restoration site is closer to 142 St. Info: 604-501-7687.
Birding Walks at various parks in Surrey hosted by Surrey Nature Centre (604-502-6065, environment@surrey.ca). Free to attend. “Join a local naturalist for a series of free monthly walks (September through May) to discover Surrey’s birds.” Info: surrey.ca/culture-recreation/24773.aspx.
Divorce Care service program for those going through divorce or separation. Group sessions in Surrey every Saturday from 1-2:30 p.m. One-time charge of $25 to cover cost of manual/study book. Email johann.breyten@gmail.com or call 604-542-9300.
Ubuntu Ogogo (Compassionate Grandmothers) brings support to grandmothers in Africa who are raising millions of children orphaned by AIDS, by fundraising and increasing awareness in our local community. “We meet the second Wednesday of each month at Fleetwood Villa, 16028 83rd Ave., Surrey, from 11 am to 1:30 pm. New members are welcome and if you would like to attend a meeting, please contact Kathy Cuthbert at kcuthber@telus.net or 604-319-1195.”
Surrey Singles Over Sixty: “We are a smaller group that meet for dinners, card games, bowling and dancing, picnics, etc. We are based in the North Surrey/North Delta area. New members are welcome.” Call Roy at 604-593-1918 or Lyla at 604-594-2860.
Surrey Trekkers walking club hosts walks for all ages. First five walks are free, then $1 or $2 depending on type of walk, with socializing after walks. Info: surreytrekkers.com.
Surrey Beekeepers Association meetings held on third Wednesday of each month, 7:30 p.m. start at Honeybee Centre, 7480 176th St., Surrey. Contact Don or Fran Carter, 604-591-3262. “All welcome to attend and learn about bees.”
CFUW (Canadian Federation of University Women) North Delta/Surrey is a club open to all women graduates, students and associates who support the mission and ideals of CFUW, which provides annual scholarships and bursaries to deserving female graduates who are going on to university. The club meets monthly from September to June. Contact Heather at 604-591-7678 or Eleanor at 604-589-3631.
Navigating the Mental Health System event hosted by Fraser Health, on Thursday, Jan. 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. “A two-hour information session to help families, friends and natural support persons, to understand Adult Mental Health Services provided by Fraser Health.” Free admission. 1-833-898-6200, fraserhealth.ca/mentalhealth.
Quantum Health Science Summit from Feb. 8-10 at Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel, 15269 104th Ave. Early Bird fee is $295 plus tax in event sponsored by Premier Research Labs Canada. “We have an impressive line-up of inspirational speakers delivering 21 Learning Modules.” Info: BGangel.com, 647-286-1439, or spreaker.com.
Surrey No Longer Alone Nar-Anon events Tuesday evenings, from 7:45-8:45 pm, at Newton Bethany United Church, 14853 60th Ave. Free. “The Nar-Anon Family Groups is primarily for those who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you.” Info: naranonbc.com.
Next Steps walking program for stroke survivors held Tuesday mornings at the food court of Central City Shopping Centre, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at 10153 King George Blvd., Surrey. “A fun, friendly, easy walking group for stroke survivors. Weekly participation can help you to set goals and stay motivated. Participants walk at their own pace and distance in a safe environment with easy access to washrooms, seating areas and other amenities.” Info: nextstepssurrey@gmail.com, 778-926-8341.
Peer Family Support Group meets on the first Thursday of the month, 6:30 to 7:30 pm at 9803 140th St., Surrey (Newton area). 19+, free. “This is a free support group for families/natural support people who are supporting an adult loved one who struggles with mental health.” For details, contact Jennifer Hopkins (jennifer.hopkins@fraserhealth.ca, 778-241-6825).
Mental Health Family and Friends Info Night: “Support and information for friends and family of people struggling with mental illness. New members are always welcome,” on first and third Thursday of every month at SMH- Psychiatry Board room, 4th floor. For more information, call Hardeep 604-574-1976 or frasersouth@bcss.org
Al-Anon: “When you don’t know where to turn because someone drinks too much, Al-Anon family groups can help.” Call 888-425-2666, M-F, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., or visit Al-anon.alateen.org.
Cancer: Thriving and Surviving Program, on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Elim Village - The Oasis, 9008 158th St., Surrey. “A self-management program designed for people who have completed treatment and are living with or have been affected by cancer. Caregivers are also welcome to attend.” Info: Selfmanagementbc.ca.
Surrey Multiple Sclerosis support meetings held on the last Wednesday of every month, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., at Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church, 9165 160th St., Surrey. Info: Contact Cheryl (tcheryl@telus.net, 604-581-3758) or Barb (778-373-0284).
Tao Healing Group (formerly Soul Power) Surrey: “Learn simple but powerful self-healing techniques for any aspect of life, with Certified Healers and Teachers. Receive free healing and blessings.” Tuesday evenings at 7pm, Surrey City Centre Library, 10350 University Dr., “Everyone is welcome, and no previous experience is necessary.” By donation, info: 778-379-9920.
The Versatiles seek retirees to join their ranks – those who like entertaining, singing, dancing or just acting out. Call 604-613-3116 for more information on the group, and for time and locations of rehearsals.
Peace Arch Women’s Chorus rehearses Wednesdays at Newton Cultural Centre from 7 to 10 p.m., 13530 72 Ave. “We are a women’s singing group - we perform a cappella, barbershop style. Visitors, guests, and interested women of all ages are welcome to drop in. Come watch us sing, warm up with us on the risers, find out if you are a Sweet Adeline in waiting.” Info: peacearchsings.com or contact Jude, 604 892 4997.
The Vaudevillians senior’s entertainment troupe rehearses Mondays at Surrey Free Methodist Church on 96th Avenue. Contact Alannah Jacques at 604-594-6645 or ajacques@dccnet.com.
The Aequitas Singers, a community-based, non-auditioned choir, seeks new members (19+). With philosophy of “justice, respect, equality,” choir meets at David Brankin Elementary, 9160 128th St., Surrey, on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. (at back of the school, near grass field). Contact artistic director Carol Sirianni at sirianni_c@surreyschools.ca or 604-595-6029.
Whalley Better at Home program seeks volunteers to assist in transportation, grocery shopping and friendly visiting. “This program is designed to help seniors live in their own homes by providing non-medical support services. People with clean criminal background and clean driving record can apply. The selected volunteer will transport seniors to/from their appointments and will help them in grocery shopping. Volunteers must agree to work for at least 6-8 hours per month. Mileage cost will be paid and volunteer training will be provided.” Info: 604.596.7722, pics.bc.ca.
Volunteer Cancer Drivers organization seeks drivers in North Surrey/North Delta and other communities. “We have over 100 volunteer drivers but need more to meet the increasing demand for service to cancer patients.” Info: volunteercancerdrivers.ca or phone 604-515-5400.
Guildford Lions Club seeks new members for its work in the community. Club meets on second and fourth Tuesday of month, 6:30 p.m., at Boston Pizza restaurant, 15125 100th Ave. For info, email guildfordlions@outlook.com or contact Joe Brown, 778-319-9606.
Surrey Hospice Society: “Gain confidence by giving back to your community, develop skills for working in Social Work, Counseling, Mental Health professions. We have opportunities for you to join our expanding palliative and bereavement programs.” Info: surreyhospice.com.
Volunteer docents sought at Surrey Art Gallery: Volunteers needed to lead weekday school group tours of gallery’s contemporary art exhibitions. Info: surrey.ca/artgallery or contact Chris Dawson-Murphy, Volunteer Co-ordinator, at artsvolunteer@surrey.ca or 604-501-5198.
Volunteer Cancer Drivers organization seeks drivers in North Surrey/North Delta and other communities. “We have over 100 volunteer drivers but need more to meet the increasing demand for service to cancer patients.” Info: volunteercancerdrivers.ca or phone 604-515-5400.
The Learning Disabilities Association of BC is recruiting volunteers for its fall tutoring program to help children and youth learn to read or do math. Training provided. Call 604-591-5156 for info, or email info@ldafs.org.
Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland needs volunteer mentors throughout the Lower Mainland, especially in Surrey. “As we grow to support more girls in Surrey, so too must we grow our pool of volunteers.” Info: 604-873-4525, bigsisters.bc.ca.
Fraser Health Crisis Line needs volunteers: “We operate 24/7 and recruit year-round with 5-6 training sessions per year. We are 90 per cent volunteer-based relying on over 27,000 volunteer hours annually to answer nearly 45,000 calls per year. Develop skills for social work, counseling, mental health, policing, E-Comm 911, grad school and so much more.” Info: options.bc.ca/program/fraser-health-crisis-line, 604-584-5811, ext. 1309.
Canadian Cancer Society: “Campaign volunteers and Community Office Support volunteers are needed at our Surrey office at 10362 King George Blvd. For more information, contact kristina.gao@bc.cancer.ca or apply directly at Cancervolunteer.ca.
Alzheimer Society of B.C. seeks volunteers to help Surrey families live well with dementia. The society is looking for a volunteer to facilitate its local caregiver support group. “This involves leading a monthly meeting, maintaining group attendance records and using Society materials to provide information to the group.” A time commitment of three to six hours per month is required. Training is provided. Contact the Resource Centre at 604-449-5000 or info.southfraser@alzheimerbc.org. Info: Alzheimerbc.org.
Surrey Hospice Society, which offers programs and services in hospice, palliative and bereavement care (all offered free of charge), needs volunteers and also donations to support its programs. To help, call 604-584-7006, email admin@surreyhospice.com or visit #1-15243 91st Ave., Surrey.
Surrey Art Gallery Association seeks volunteers for its gift shop at its Bear Creek Park facility. “If you enjoy meeting new people and local artists, being around unique and finely crafted artworks by artists from around the Lower Mainland, this is the place for you.” Contact Joan Owen, 604-531-8118.