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Deltans encouraged to Feed the Bees
What plants are bee friendly?

By Boaz Joseph, Surrey North Delta Leader

If bees find food, so will you.

That's the message of Feed the Bees, an educational initiative and partnership between Delta's Earthwise Society and the Delta Chamber of Commerce.

The two bodies are encouraging individuals, businesses and organizations to get involved in helping to sustain threatened bee populations, which are critical for plant pollination and subsequently, food production.

The project, which will roll out this spring, will educate the community about the importance of bee populations for local agriculture and ecosystems, and encourage people to take action to provide food and habitat for bees and other pollinators.

Pollinating insects, essential tools in the growth of crops such as nuts, apples, berries and other fruits and vegetables, have been in decline over the last several years due to issues such as pesticides, diseases and loss of habitat.

"One spoonful out of three put in your mouth is based on bees," says Feed the Bees co-chair Ian Tait, a volunteer at the Delta Chamber of Commerce. "The idea of not having those little buzzers around is staggering."

Earthwise Society executive director and project co-chair Patricia Fleming says the Earthwise Garden in Tsawwassen will host a series of workshops and special events, bringing in experts to teach visitors about pollination and what bee-friendly plants are best for residential yards.

Information will soon be posted on the website at or, and the campaign will also involve social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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