Let’s not kid ourselves. The world turns because the baristas, servers, gas station attendants, sandwich artists and retail salespeople allow it to. These people are salt-of-the-Earth people. They do thankless jobs that permit the start-up CEO to pound back an artisanal coffee while they code on their laptop or the construction worker to fill up their truck on route to their work site.
Chances are you are or know one of these people. Collectively, our society thanks you.
However, as of right now, the next chapter of your life is knocking at the door of opportunity and it’s time for you to answer. Yeah, tips are great, and sure, low-stakes jobs are usually low-stress, and who doesn’t love that? But at the end of the day, you need to be honest with yourself and ask “is this the work I want to do for the rest of my life?”
Perhaps it is. In which case, continue forward; you are needed and important.
However, if clocking in for someone else’s benefit or putting yourself on the shelf to make a couple of bucks no longer sounds appealing to you….imagine this: instead of getting paid in spite of who you are, get paid because of who you are. Start cultivating a career you love. Wake up every morning and say, “I can’t believe I get to [insert the thing that you love to do here]”. Frankly, there’s a career that can match virtually any of your passions, even if your main passion is binge watching Netflix (seriously, they’re called Taggers; look it up). It’s really not as absurd as it sounds. There’s proof. And it can be found at the Delta Trades and Technical Career Fair.
On April 28, the Delta Career Fair returns to Sungod Recreation Centre, 7815 112 St. From 9 a.m. until 8 p.m., seemingly countless exhibitors take over the arena, gymnasium, and some of the parking lot to let you know that there is life beyond the espresso machine. Industry professionals will be on site to tell you how to make that hobby you have into something bigger than you ever expected. They can tell you how to move beyond being a foodie on Instagram, or how to serve up culinary masterpieces. They can move you from taking carpentry classes in high school, to building houses that people will live in. They can take you from rolling your eyes at the latest superhero film, to pushing you to start making your own summer blockbusters. Somebody is doing it, why isn’t that somebody you?
The hardest part about our dreams is figuring out what they are. Sometimes that’s enough to stall us. The #DeltaCareerFair is here to help you get through the introspective part of your journey and fast track you towards realizing your dreams.