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All in the cards for celeb-focused web series

SOUTH SURREY - Raise your hand if you've ever wanted to pick a celebrity's brain. Raise your hand if, given the chance, you'd blow your one question on asking them something completely banal such as, "What word would you tattoo on your forehead?" Rick Yaeger has. In fact, he's done it several times - all from his South Surrey apartment.


The one-time graphic designer has been working on a web series where he chats with celebrities on Skype and ends it all off by asking one silly question, picked at random from a deck of cards.


It may seem like a complete waste, but Yaeger says that's his show's whole shtick.


"I think that's kind of the hook of the show," he told the Now.


"I'm like everyone else. I have no business talking to these people. I have this golden opportunity to talk to this celebrity and rather than ask him the question that's at the back of my head, I'm just going to pull one out at random and ask them what their


favourite Sesame Street character is," he said with a laugh.


The roster of celebs who have appeared on his web show, One Question Interviews, includes Vanna White, Supernatural's Rob Benedict and Vampire Diaries' Paul Wesley.


"Even though we all get caught up in the glitz and the glamour of it, there's something inherently inspiring about someone who's decided, 'I'm not going to go to school and study what my parents wanted me to study, I'm going to try and be one of the one per cent of actors out there who's gonna make money,'" Yaegar said.


"The mindset and the work ethic and the outlook that got them to that place, that's what I wanted to present to people, and I'm slowly getting the ability to do that."


While he doesn't consider himself an entertainment journalist, like those hosting Entertainment Tonight, he does get to talk about what the actors and actresses are doing in their spare time.


"In order for them to get something out


of it, they have to be able to promote their shows.


"A lot of them have side projects, they do things extracurricular-ly that you would never expect them to do, and they have no outlets to tell people about that," he said.


"The Jimmy Fallons and Kimmels don't really want to spend time on that - you talk about your show and you leave. You get to be funny, then you get off. With me, they get to be funny, they get to talk about the show, but then they also get to talk about their Kickstarter campaign or a charity or anything else they want to talk about."


Now in its third season, One Question Interviews has become more polished, Yaeger said.


"Now, in the last season, I put on the hat to signify the beginning of the interview," he said, referring to a cap he wears when picking from his deck of questions.


"So that's the beginning, and then my part of it is that I get to ask people one ridiculous question, we explore it, then we say 'goodbye.'" To see some of his Yaeger's interviews, visit, his YouTube channel 1Qinterviews or follow him on