In the second incident involving someone allegedly refusing to wear a mask and assaulting an employee in Vancouver in a week, police arrested another suspect Monday (Feb. 8).
The 36-year-old man in question is said to have spat in the face of an employee of a convenience store near Seymour and Dunsmuir streets.
The suspect was declined service unless he donned a mask, as mandated by current public health orders. This sparked a physical altercation between the men.
“No employee deserves to be assaulted for simply following the health orders set in place,” said Cst. Tania Visintin with the Vancouver Police Department. “It’s yet again another selfish action and senseless assault that continues to go on in our city.”
The man fled the store but was located and arrested by police. Assault charges have been recommended to Crown counsel.
Visintin warns that anyone who refuses to wear a mask indoors, in a public space, could face fines of as much as $230.
RELATED: Anti-masker accused of threatening Vancouver employee with baton after stealing apple
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