An award-winning local filmmaker is holding a candlelight peace march, as Surrey and Delta grapple with 30 shootings since March 9.
Half of those shootings are believed to be the work of two rival dial-a-dope operations fighting over turf.
Mani Amar, who made the documentary "A Warrior's Religion," a film examining South Asian gang life, is planning a peace march this Sunday (May 24) at 9 p.m.
"Many have underestimated the power of Peace Marches, yet they remain a great tool in bringing about positive change," Amar writes on his Facebook site. "By simply walking together, united, and likeminded, we have the ability to evoke awareness."
He says something simple as a walk can make a world of change.
"It is our innate and moral duty to help bring awareness to issues that afflict us," Amar says. "Youth and Gang Violence have once again run rampant in our cities and I plead for everyone's help and support by simply walking.'
The march will begin at 9 p.m. from the corner of 120th St. & 72nd Avenue (Delta side), and will proceed down Scott Road to 88 Avenue, cross the street to Surrey side, and return.
Amar's documentary, A Warrior's Religion, featured the first on-camera interview granted by notorious gangster Bal Buttar.
It won Best Documentary honors at the Sikh International Film Festival in New York.
More can be found out about that film and other Amar projects at