Two new baby eaglets hatched this week at a nest in White Rock, delighting online viewers who are watching via webcam.
Viewers will be able to watch the parents feed the new eaglets until they fledge about 12 weeks from now.
The first egg hatched Wednesday evening, followed by the second one Thursday night.
The opportunity to watch the local eaglets is courtesy of two live web cameras installed by the Hancock Wildlife Foundation.
There was some trepidation after the first hatch as observers on the foundation's discussion forum said it appeared the baby eaglet was weak after a traumatic and somewhat premature hatch.
One of the parents is believed to have broken the egg open early Wednesday evening as it tried to defend the nest against an intruding bird harrassing them.
"I hope it shows more zip in the morning or it might be a goner," fretted one poster.
By Thursday morning, however, the baby eaglet was quite active and trying to sit upright.
"Bobbing his head in the approved manner – feel a lot happier about this now," said the poster.
The foundation also has eaglecams set up at nests in Tsawwasen, Ladner, Sidney and the Lafarge cement plant in Vancouver.
Hancock expects a record number of visitors to the web site this year, well beyond the 1.5 million who tuned in in 2010.
For highlights of the two baby eagles being fed Friday morning, see video above.
For live camera view, see
See the discussion forum and click to 'Last' posts for updated information on the hatchlings, screen capture images and links to more videos.