“Surrey Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2013, No. 18020, Amendment Bylaw, 2023, No. 20833”
“Surrey Zoning Bylaw, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment Bylaw, 2023, No. 20834”
Application: 7916-0130-00
Location: 11420 - 157A Street

Purpose of Bylaws and Development Variance Permit: The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) Figure 3: General Land Use Designations to redesignate the site shown shaded in grey on the location map from Industrial to Suburban, and an amendment to Figure 42: Major Employment Areas by removing the Industrial designation for the subject site.
The proposal also includes rezoning a portion of the subject site, shown shaded in grey and labeled Block A from One-Acre Residential Zone to Cluster Residential Zone and a portion of the subject site shown shaded in grey and labeled Block B from Light Impact Industrial Zone to Cluster Residential Zone in order to allow subdivision into 38 single family lots and two lots to be conveyed to the City for riparian, biodiversity and open space protection purposes. The exact location and area definition of the lands being amended can be found in the Survey Plan contained within the bylaws.
In addition, the proposal includes a Development Variance Permit to reduce the minimum front yard setback from 7.5 metres to 6 metres to the principal building face for proposed Lots 8 to 22; and to reduce the minimum setback distance for a Class B (yellow-coded) watercourse from 15 metres, as measured from the top-of-bank, to a minimum of 55.3 metres as measured from the high water mark, which is equivalent to between 9.1 to 40.9 metres below top-of-bank.
“Surrey Comprehensive Development Zone 83 (CD 83), Bylaw, 2023, No. 20842”
Application: 7922-0212-00
Location: 5718 Woodside Place

Purpose of Bylaw: The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject site shown shaded in grey on the location map from Half-Acre Residential Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone in order to allow subdivision into two single-family lots with the retention of an existing house.