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Balanced budget legislation is a joke

Lowest personal taxes in Canada? Paid for by cutting services to the bone.

Re: “Budget plans the deciding factor” (Letters, The Leader, March 12).

I would like to vote for responsible government as well.

Can Sandra Robinson point me in the right direction?

Surely she doesn’t mean the B.C. Liberals, under whose watch the provincial debt has doubled to almost $60 billion since they took power.

Balanced budget legislation is a joke – they simply rescinded the law when they got themselves in trouble.

Lowest personal taxes in Canada?

Paid for by cutting services to the bone and doubling or tripling the service fees for virtually every provincial department.

Add in back-door taxes like siphoning off ICBC reserves, putting BC Hydro in the deepest debt in their history while enabling them to transfer hundreds of millions to their coffers by creative bookkeeping, selling off our assets for the appearance of a balanced budget, MSP rates that go up on a regular basis, and a carbon tax and the carbon trust that take away money from families, schools, and hospitals and give it to big business.

Yes Ms. Robinson, I desperately long to vote for responsible government and the Liberal party of B.C. is not it.


Rick Javens
