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Fine drivers, not pedestrians

The assumption in this article is that all the fatal accidents involving pedestrians happened because of jaywalking.

Re: “Police highlight jaywalking dangers” (The Leader, April 24).

The assumption in this article is that all the fatal accidents involving pedestrians happened because of jaywalking. In fact the majority occur in marked intersections. In Newton, two of the most dangerous places to cross the road are at intersections.

As a pedestrian, when the crosswalk turns green, I have to notice cars going through the intersection at me, cars turning right into me and cars turning left into me. Half a block away I only have to look left to cross to the median then look right to cross to the other side.

I have heard of two seniors crossing at what is a relatively safe spot and receiving a $75 ticket (two weeks' grocery money).

Let’s fine the bad drivers not the poor, fearful pedestrians.


Terry Brown