The Editor,
Re: “Locke’s political rivals slam $500k PR campaign against Surrey policing transition,” the Now-Leader online.
Will Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke ever accept reality?
It is foolish enough wasting money on a court case to challenge the firmly established law that the provincial government has primacy over municipal councils. But Locke has found another way to waste taxpayer money in her stubborn and quixotic quest to overturn the Surrey Police Service decision.
The other morning a paid advertisement appeared in my Facebook feed from “,” but which in small print at the top noted “Paid for by City of Surrey.” It was the usual attack on the decision to proceed with the SPS.
Does Locke actually think an advertising campaign will cause Minister Farnworth to reverse his decision? Obviously not – what this represents is a partisan advertising campaign on behalf of Locke and her Surrey Connect party, paid for by the taxpayers of Surrey.
One suspects any contact information collected through this will quickly make its way to the party HQ to drum up donors and volunteers.
This misuse of city funds is outrageous. Mayor Locke should immediately resign, and there should be a full investigation by Elections BC and an independent police force into what has happened.
Ed Beauregard, Surrey