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No excuse for not being informed

In a world filled with social networking and instant communication, it is not hard to find out about current issues around the entire globe.

Today, it was easy and quick for me to be filled in on the absolute chaos that the Libyan people have been facing since Feb. 17 (and even before then), thanks to Tumblr and Twitter feeds.

It is so simple to keep in touch with the Middle East at this time and it is shocking to see what is happening over there.

What rattled me, aside from Gaddafi’s purely evil intentions and true lunacy, was signing into Facebook and finding not a single post about this global issue from my “friends.”

I am a 16-year-old girl so I understand that this may not be top priority for my peers, and that these current events do not interest them like the latest gossip does or their petty television shows do.

However, that is not an excuse, nor is it okay. I’m sickened by the lack of awareness so many young people seem to have for the human race and about the terrifying things that are happening over in the Middle East right now, especially Libya.

As I stated before, our world is constantly in communication, and I find it incredibly hard to believe that these teenagers do not know what is happening in Libya – it honestly seems impossible.

To me, this speaks of pure ignorance, and I could not be more disappointed in my generation.

We are now at the age in which these issues apply to us. These problems will soon be ours to deal with, and this thought is what scares me the very most.

Maria Szabo, Surrey