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Online vote would invite abuse

Re: “Time for online voting,” Letters, May 11.

Online voting will allow motivated individuals, institutes, parties, religions, businesses and unions to accumulate the otherwise wasted PIN numbers of all those who never have and never will vote, and of all those who can be conned into handing over their PIN numbers for the good of the cause, and put them to good use.

And it will bolster our GDP, by creating a new industry based on the sale, purchase and selective deployment of votes.

Those mailed the voting PIN numbers of former residents at that address, or of gravely ill, demented, or recently deceased family members, will be able to put all of them to good use. Participation levels will appear to rise. And the outcome of elections will become more far certain and controllable, an enormous plus for offshore investors.

“Third World”-style “placing a black X against the candidate of your choice” elections, and so-called democracy (the people rule), leave far too much to the whims of the unwashed masses to be acceptable in this brave new “technologically advanced country.”

Don DeMille