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Port metro vancouver has shown nothing but contempt for public

How can the approval of a new coal transfer facility be unexpected when they obediently obey the dictates of Harper and company in Ottawa?

Unbelievable? Yes. Unexpected? No.

How can the approval by Port Metro Vancouver on Fraser Surrey Docks’ new coal transfer facility be unexpected when they obediently obey the dictates of Harper and company in Ottawa?

Unbelievable that we will now have up to eight million tonnes of U.S. thermal coal annually passing through White Rock, Crescent Beach, Delta and Surrey. It will then be loaded uncovered on barges moving through the Gulf Islands to Texada Island, where it will be piled exposed to the elements awaiting shipment to China.

The contempt which PMV has shown to the public who will be affected is beyond belief. Rather ironic that this travesty is approved at the same time another port in Oregon was denied a permit to ship coal.


David Gibbs, Surrey