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Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Aug. 31, 2023)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers
Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

CLICK HERE to send us your submissions.

• Rotten tomatoes to the people who dropped a huge mess of confetti (a wedding, I bet) on the ramp heading into Surrey Lake, and then left it. Did you really think that was a good idea? Just how thoughtless are you?

• Rotten tomatoes to the people who panhandle at the intersection of 152 Street and 88 Avenue. Leave people alone. And more rotten tomatoes to the gullible drivers who actually give money.

• Hey. You. With the red car. You know you hit my car and still left the parking lot. It’s a crime to leave. If you don’t get caught I hope you get a dump-truck of rotten tomatoes dumped into your red car.

• Rotten tomatoes to drivers who speed through park zones and crosswalks and even pass cars that have stopped to allow pedestrians or mobility scooters to cross the roadway. Does anyone know that two lines on the road means no passing? We are hoping no one gets injured. Please educate yourselves.

• A rose to everyone who lives in Surrey. Yes, these are very tough times with politics but let’s all try our best to be kind to one another. We can work through these things together like the great folks that we are.

• A beautiful bouquet of red roses go out to all of my classmates from Fleetwood Park secondary. Can you believe it’s been 20 years now? Amazing. I hope that someway or another, we can find ways to stay in touch. As Lennon/McCartney once sang, life is very short, and there’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend. And a piano full of roses to the late Bob LaBonte. He was a well respected musician and band teacher at Fleetwood and all of Surrey. We miss him.