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Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Aug. 4, 2022)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers
Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

CLICK HERE to send us your submissions.

• Rotten tomatoes to those running for council and mayor. We never see or hear from most of them until the months leading up to the election.

• Rotten tomatoes to the person on 155A Street who has thrown an old blue mattress out by the road and left it there for months. Do you think it’s just going to magically get up and walk away by itself? We are sick of looking at it. You will have to call Surrey or use the Surrey app to have it removed, they are happy to do so. Please help keep our neighbourhoods clean.

• Rotten tomatoes to drivers who have no patience in busy parking lots. There’s not much we can all do when it is jam packed – just relax a bit.

• A trunk full of rotten tomatoes and a moving violation ticket to those who signal so late when turning as to convey no useful information about their intentions . At least try to be courteous behind the wheel. Is that too much to ask?

• Roses to people who put their names forward in an effort to represent their community in the municipal election. Hopefully, they are doing it for the right reasons.

• On that note, more roses for voters who pay attention during the campaign and follow coverage so they can make an informed decision – and then actually go out and vote!

• Red roses to the City of Surrey for the Fusion Festival! It felt so heartwarming seeing lots of people enjoying themselves again, especially after all we’ve been through in the last two years. The food and music from various cultures around the world was phenomenal. I’m very thankful to live in a city that thrives on multiculturalism.

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