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Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (July 6, 2023)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers
Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

CLICK HERE to send us your submissions.

• Rotten tomatoes to all the moms at Guildford storytime who pushed their way past my three-year-old to get a treat/toy. Tomatoes also to the staff who didn’t manage the situation.

• Rotten tomatoes to those who use their speaker phone, video chat, or yell into their Bluetooth headsets in public spaces and in our quiet neighbourhoods. Common sense and consideration should tell you that not everyone wants to hear your phone calls.

• A parking lot full of rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey for not enforcing parking during the recent kabaddi event. Not only is it dangerous but it’s affecting the community. Cars parking everywhere, driving on sidewalks, people parking and leaving their cars in random driveway for hours. Taxes have gone up but not the services. Shame on you City of Surrey. Step it up or cancel the event!

• Roses to the staff, nurses and doctors in Ward 5 East, Orange Zone of Surrey Memorial Hospital. My wife just spent 10 days there. How you are able to continuously show such compassion and friendliness to everyone (including the difficult people) in such overcrowded conditions is remarkable. You are truly appreciated.

• Carloads of wonderfully scented wild roses to all volunteers at Cancer Society drivers! I have a disability and all my first treatments were in Vancouver, making the trip almost impossible until my daughter learned of these wonderful folks who will drive a person both ways for appointments for free. I was going to cancel all Vancouver trips. Life savers! Thank you all! (P.S. they are posting currently for more volunteers drivers.)

• Roses to my wife! Thanks so much for going fishing with me – twice in the same day! I really enjoyed it.

• Rotten tomatoes to the group called Keep The RCMP in Surrey. This group thinks they speak for everyone when they say that no one wants the Surrey Police Service. With all due respect, not everyone thinks like you do. I for one am more than happy to support a local police department that answers directly to the citizens instead of Ottawa. I would gladly pay more tax dollars for two police officers per vehicle instead of one. You get what you pay for.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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