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Roses & Rotten Tomatoes: Hey businesses, not everyone has a computer!

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers
Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

CLICK HERE to send us your submissions.

• I would like to publicly thank the owner and staff of No Frills grocery store, Fleetwood, and the ambulance attendants Dana and Caleb, for the efficient, compassionate care afforded me when I fell recently. I was fortunate to be discharged home later that day after receiving excellent care at Surrey Memorial Hospital. In these days of negativity and criticism, I wanted to thank everyone involved.

• Rotten tomatoes to a business that wants most customers to go “paperless”or they may be charged for statements or invoices sent to them. When is a business going to learn that not everyone has a computer, cellphone or printer, and if they have a computer, even want this information on a computer!

• Rotten tomatoes to the writer in the Jan. 25 edition who said Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke was not elected by the majority of voters in the last municipal election. Neither was Doug McCallum in his election, but that did not stop the government from jumping on board a weighty policing transition without even a feasibility study being done. It is not Locke who is out of line here, but the NDP government, for not respecting the voice of a duly elected mayor and the citizens who voted her into office, a mayor who is just doing the job of trying to live up to her election promises. There is always a losing side in any election, but we need to abide by the results. The losing side should not use their position to overturn the results of an election and switch things to their way of thinking. Maybe it’s time to redefine democracy!