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Roses & Rotten Tomatoes: ‘Rancid and rotten tomatoes’ for Farnworth

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers
Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

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• A huge pile of rancid and rotten tomatoes to Safety Minister Mike Farnworth for continuing to shove this unwanted, inadequate, very expensive Surrey Police Service that the majority of Surrey residents don’t want and voted against when we voted for Brenda Locke for Surrey mayor on her campaign to keep the RCMP in Surrey. Your last press announcement, when you will announce the date when the Surrey RCMP will be replaced for your NDP Surrey police force — doing this despicable act before the B.C. Supreme Court date on April 29th for the judicial review? You must be really desperate, Mr. Farnworth. Just when we thought you couldn’t sink lower, you proved that you can sink even lower because you can’t get what you want. The truth will be exposed on all of the dealings behind closed doors, in B.C. Supreme Court. No truth, no transparency. Your days are numbered being re-elected in the next provincial election.

• Huge bushels of rotten tomatoes to Walmart. They have converted many of their cash registers to self-check, yet they keep many of them closed, causing line-ups, not to mention frustration. What was the point of that?

• A giant rec centre full of rotten, maggoty tomatoes to whoever at City of Surrey came up with the 72-hour advance registration program. It is causing non-stop anxiety and anger. Go back to the Sunday night registration!

• Roses to (most of) the drivers in Surrey. Even though it is well known that the Surrey parking bylaws “enforcement” team does not do their job, many drivers continue to avoid the pretend ‘no parking’ areas on our streets. Thank you.