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Roses & Rotten Tomatoes: ‘Thanks to friendly couple who paid for our groceries’

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers
Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

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• Roses to every store employee who cleans up after the whirlwind that is my toddler. At one and a half, she is a master of taking any item she can off of shelves, and although I try and replace everything as best as I can, sometimes I can’t get to it all. So, many many roses to anyone who has helped tidy the Godzilla-like path of destruction left behind by my bebe.

• A bouquet of roses to the friendly couple who paid for our groceries when we were shopping at Peninsula Village, Safeway the other day. My husband’s card wasn’t working and they generously paid for us. Thank you very much to the couple.

• Rotten tomatoes to Brenda Locke. The recent survey regarding keeping the RCMP in Surrey was skewed. Our mayor is wasting money on fighting a losing battle and should just get on with the transition to a local city police force.

• Rotten tomatoes to Surrey for allowing three-storey houses (apartment blocks) to be built in single-family zoned areas. Apparently, all our bylaws are voluntary – “we hope you abide by them, but if not, nothing will be done.”

• Rotten tomatoes to Brenda Locke. For starters, Locke was not elected by the majority of voters, she needs to acknowledge that. The citizens of Surrey have already paid a lot of money towards this transition and know that if we don’t continue now it will cost us a lot more to do so later. Whether she admits this or not, it is going to happen either now or later. With the pace Surrey is growing we need our own police force, they will serve us better. Locke is not my mayor and I wish she would just get over herself and stop this silly game of trying to save us. What a joke.

• Rotten tomatoes to the policing mess. I think we should move forward with the SPS. Get on with it.

• Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey for not taking anonymous information on houses that have made suites in garages or additions to property. The city is missing out on additional taxes owed, and the government is missing out on unclaimed rental income from these homeowners.

• Many roses to the Repair Cafe offered in South Surrey on Jan. 21. People brought in lamps, fans, sewing machine, electronics, all to repaired by donation only. The event was very well organized, and repairs were made by qualified people, even training high school students as they did their jobs. Thanks to all.

• Rotten tomatoes to a local “super” store, where I purchased the beef stew on special. The cashier failed to give me a bag for the meat, which leaked all over the rest of my groceries. Yuck! You have to do your own bagging, which is such a hassle. I needed to use the washroom and there wasn’t a scrap of toilet tissue available. I asked several employees for a specific item, to no avail. Another customer located it for me. The service is non-existent. I will not be back.

• Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey. It’s like they hate disabled people, because when it snows most sidewalks are unsafe for a mobility scooter and every ramp can not be used. I broke a piece off my scooter from having to push it through the drifts, and now am in worse pain. Surrey has gone downhill and cannot wait to move from this selfish, uncaring place.