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PHOTOS: Overdose Awareness Day marked in White Rock

Whie crosses adorned city hall lawn; pier lit up purple in honour of overdose victims and families

Members of White Rock council and Semiahmoo First Nation – as well as local residents and members of a handful of community groups – stood outside city hall late Monday afternoon, taking part in a socially-distanced event marking International Overdose Awareness Day.

The ceremony, which including a flag-raising, was attended by more than a dozen residents, many wearing purple to match the coloured ribbons tied to the small crosses that were staked into the grass outside the entrance to the building. Many of the crosses had photos of overdose victims attached.

The White Rock Pier was also lit purple on Monday night.

The local event was organized by representatives from Fraser Health, Sources and the White Rock-based Community Action Team.

The first Overdose Awareness Day was held in Australia nearly 20 years ago, and it aims to raise awareness of overdoses, reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths and acknowledge the grief felt by families and friends of those who have died.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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