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LETTER: State of Surrey streets is 'shameful'

LETTER: State of Surrey streets is 'shameful'

Fall leaves are left as "slushy muck" on sidewalks and roads, this writer says
LETTER: Thanks to Khalil Jessa for speaking out against Islamophobia

LETTER: Thanks to Khalil Jessa for speaking out against Islamophobia

'The way racism and prejudices are being normalized in North America is a cause of worry': letter
LETTER: Private insurance undermines Canadian principles

LETTER: Private insurance undermines Canadian principles

Government must legislate to guarantee affordable premiums for all
ROSES AND ROTTEN TOMATOES: Roses to the kind and honest stranger

ROSES AND ROTTEN TOMATOES: Roses to the kind and honest stranger

Our regular roundup of compliments and complaints from readers
LETTER: Turning golf course into park would benefit Surrey

LETTER: Turning golf course into park would benefit Surrey

Let's give South Surrey its own "Stanley Park"
BUCHOLTZ: Canada is watching the Cloverdale-Langley City byelection

BUCHOLTZ: Canada is watching the Cloverdale-Langley City byelection

A Liberal loss could trigger renewed calls for PM Justin Trudeau to step down
Tips for stress-free winter holiday travel with your dog

Tips for stress-free winter holiday travel with your dog

From making car rides comfortable to setting up hotel rooms, travelling with you pet doesn't have to be stressful
OPINION: Gambling with avian flu sets the stage for another pandemic

OPINION: Gambling with avian flu sets the stage for another pandemic

We must not repeat the mistakes of COVID-19 with H5N1, these four health experts say
LETTER: Trudeau is just making things worse with Trump

LETTER: Trudeau is just making things worse with Trump

Immigration, border troubles, guns all need a real answer: letter
LETTER: South Surrey Costco is a great idea – but a bad location

LETTER: South Surrey Costco is a great idea – but a bad location

Costco needs to work with City of Surrey to find a better location: writer